SCA Election
The SCA Presidential speeches were on Wednesday, October 19th. There were 9 speeches, both president and vice president. All of the candidates were there, and amazingly there are more students running for social director than for president! Each speech was unique, and there was deafening applause after each. Now it all comes down to the votes! Below are some quotes from each candidate, so you can get a look at each one. The voting will happen on Thursday the 20th.

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"

"Live everyday like it is your last"

"Peace, love, Abigail"

"Help me, help you, vote for Madison"

"Look at the glass half full, not half empty"

"Rumor has it that everyone is voting for Emma"

The vice president candidates were: kelsy, Lucas, Katie,
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"
"Live everyday like it is your last"
"Peace, love, Abigail"
"Help me, help you, vote for Madison"
"Look at the glass half full, not half empty"
"Rumor has it that everyone is voting for Emma"
The vice president candidates were: kelsy, Lucas, Katie,